well College has been well nice..
these past few days have been tough on me as well
there was one day where i just faced 2 many probs.. until i did some self recalibration
if u dunnno what it is..for me it is a time i really set aside for God in my day just to really hear Him and give Him my heart to be used by HIm for the rest of the day..
It's really great.. Nowadays im still learning how to say that 'God, thru all my worries and pain..I still want to say that You are a Good God'
many times in life as for me... we/I only thank God when things go wow...
but what happens things go wrong... when we dun see God inn the picture although you know He's dere , we either blame him or don't seek Him.... for me no matter what now I can say GOD, THANK YOU FOR YOU ARE INDEED FAITHFULL AND GOOD..
say it like you mean it..God has plannned everything in your life.. annd for us as His servannt to even give him praise when times are bad...that will indeed put a smile on HIs glorious face of His.
One of my close fren said to me during dawn prayer..your life should be based on How God sees you and not on how ppl respond you..
I want to be honest.. I have been a hyprocate this past year..I tell everyone i love God a lot but dont really show it.
real love for God is when you are gonna accept anythinng that He has or has not yet plannned for you.I onnly did the 1st part.I used to questioned God... now I know that it is not my right to question or even interrupt God's plan.. bcos in the end.. you will still fail..
annd as for the title.. I nnoticed that no matter how much crap annyone goes through.. everyone still needs advises from others.. I learned that at the beginning of the year..I was LOST ..with no knowledge of what to do..Ive found out the best solution is to not only pray but to also seek advises..esecially from leaders..I myself thought I can carry on with my life just cos I got smarter after a situation or as so i thought..but i found out every1 needs someone who can give advises..Ive ben asking alot of ppl recently ..it helps
I told a close friend of mine..she's beenn noticing i have not been my usual crazy self in college..I told her somehow that part of me has been gone .. I told her few days later that that part is cominng back.. and now as I look back at dese past few days..I dun think he is ever coming back... bcos a new part of me that has been longging to come is coming to visit me soon to see how it goes.. and yes a nnew James will appear.. but I'm still givinng mnyself 1 more week to really confirmed it. I feel this new part of me is the part that God wannted me to have for a long time already..it feels great you noe when you really see how amazing God works in my life..like i've been sayin before..dat i dun see God in the picture.. right at this moment ... I see Him working so clearly..
and for that God..You are indeed GOOD
written cos shaken by...
1 comment:
In our course of life, we grow as we walk on. You have a change of course in life. From secondary to A-levels. Its a change of the wind. But our God is faithful. He has always been. It is good to hear and read that you decided to be 'serious' with God. There will be that point and turning point in our life that we realise that our lives needed a change, a change for the better. =)
I had my turning point right after form 5, that is where I re-know God and start to learn to love God even more. Now I love God so much!! =D
Continue to keep a quiet heart for God. In our lives, nothing is easy, but it is always simple. You will still go through rough waters but so long you focus to Him, you'll find peace in these waves. ^.^
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