Tuesday, April 17, 2007

cell outin

nick took dis..i was 2 happy i think
pay back!!
burger king nick poses b4 he shoots..or mayb da ball 2 heavy
time 2 bowl..leconte strikes it
tim goes 4 a low shotli ann is goodpicture time me,leconte.tim waiting 4 deir marks

tim n hsian
choosin..n waitin

last week saturday had some cell outin at ou..wanted 2 watch ninja turtle but in da end played bowlin..sad..i wanted 2 watch it..had 2 cancel tuition class dat day n replace on monday with vinod's class..zai told me 2 come at 1n dun b l8 n he came at 120..every1 came at dat time.wen burger king 1st 2 eat..jing han said he cant played bowlin n he had like 2 spares n a strike with da 1st 3 shots!!den l8r wem around ou 2 help tim get a new shoe.pix l8r..no cable thing..any1 can lend me???!!! got damm a lot of pix..finally here

Saturday, April 7, 2007

my class act

study ......

me n timmay...
dis week we had some class sketch thing 4 da akedemik
week crap..so our class did dis thing.. bout how r we in class n have 2 use idioms

''korang ,cikgu datang" faster tim
actually we had 2 stone 4 a while ..n my tie is always like dat eventough i pen. ketua
pity me man....i dun look sad

Friday, April 6, 2007


h bday 2 u
happy birthday 2 u.. 1 more time
jing han...dun take all la
birthday girl have 2 give presents
da aunties
make a wish...

dis was suppose 2 be like damm lon ago....few weeks ed...but i just do now la

my cuzin's party..happy birthday